And yup, CNY (at least for me) came and poofed just like that. This year was somewhat different from before though... For one, relatives got to see my bro's wife-to-be and my sister's bf for the first time. And of course, the visit to Darl's house on Chu Er was quite an over-whelming experience too.. In a good way though!...
Ever since I started to generate my own income, the significance of ang pows have changed somewhat signifiantly.. From the kid who craved for ang pows to get that extra ''ka-ching" for wasteful expenses, I'm now this young adult (yes young adult! not adult.. not old adult etc) who considers ang pows as a token of good luck / something along the lines of "Here my dear relative, take this red packet and make sure you come back again next year safely and soundly!"
K enough of my retarded and sometimes weird thoughts, shall now do my fav summary of yays and nays in my life recently! Yayee~
.Have yet to count my ang pow $$ .. gawsh its way over due... Way WAY overdued..
.The two shirts I bought from Marcella seemed quite worth it... Pretty cool taylor fit self-customized formal attires!
.My buddy at work (J.T) is going to leave the company next week.. And at this rate, I will have no more lunch buddies .. :/
.Been improving heaps and bounds on my keyboard/piano playing (at least to me) LOL. Thanks darl for teaching me how to play Cannon in C.. I can't believe how i can spend hours just playing the same few tunes over and over again !
.Had this painful irritating mouth ulcer since Wednesday... Good thing its starting to disappear after drinking some Redoxon. OMG Redoxon is like a miracle elixir!
.Completed my first ever stock trading transaction and made like.. $100 after brokerage fee! Woots! *pops champagne*
.Last but not least, shall wish all dear readers (or without the s) a happy year of the dragon.. Huat a~~!!!
Some AWESOME pics! :

Over at my relative's place.. Hey come on cousins! We can meet up more than just on CNY.. :)

Our annual tradition of taking family pic on Chu Yi every year.. Really fun.. After this pic, its normally time to collect ang pow from dad.. oops!
Taken with Darl over at my Bro's condo unit! Nice wall paper.. but hey that's not the focus isnt it.. o.o
I really like this pic..~ GAWSH.. Should be taken at 112 Katong.. !