Time's too fast to follow... ...
So, just like that.. I've been at work for already close to 11 months.. In no time, I'd hit 12 months of work as an Industrial Engineer. =x.
Despite the horrid presentation I made on Thursday, I picked myself up, and did my best to follow up the project to the best of my ability. I'm saddened by the fact that I did poorly in front of my Boss's boss, but heck! I'm not gonna just sit there and cry about it. Gotta move on, and just D-A-N-C-E on!

Caught "What's your number" with SM on friday night.. Was a kinda last min change of plans, cause we initially really wanted to catch "Friends with Benefits".. For some weird reasons, the cinemas in Tampines did not show F.W.B and so we decided to go ahead with the show by Anna Faris and Chris Evans (aka Mr. Cap America). It was pretty good and had some naughty scenes, but overall, quite an interesting and enjoyable movie. Light hearted, not-so-relatable but still relevant, easy plots.. Probably deserving of a 7.0/10 ! Woots!
Got to rush, for a quick pool session with Tom. At least i'm sticking with my one-post-per-week ! :) *pats on own back*