Hahaha.. I don't just LIKE Christmas.. I love it! I absolutely do! Whether its the sudden 'sprouting' of nicely decorated Christmas Trees.. OR the wonderful Christmas Carols being played island wide.. OR the hugs and laughter from the surroundings.. Its just so splendid!

So what could be possibly be better than Christmas?.. Hmm well, while Christmas is an awesome time of the year... , FINDING that someone special to spend it with me is even better! (; *winks*
Let It Snow, let it snow, let it snow~! .. I really hope that one day I'l be able to play this carol (jazz version) on my keyboard or piano.. Impossible is nothing, right ? :/
*cheers* to nice Jazzy-ish christmas carol.. !
Now time for some creative pictures done by "you-know-who" ;)

O wow. Very interesting portraits I must say *cough*

Hmm.. So cute... ! Blonde hair rocks. LOL.
"Happiness is something which should be cherished and never taken for granted. I love my life right now. Thanks for coming into my life, Sweetie.. !!" - B.Eng