Merry Xmas' 2011! ...
Wow.. Just like that, its Christmas again... Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la~~ Instead of the usual Mahjong Session with Wilson & Co. , this time its gonna be with Tom & Co.! Should be interesting and fun... Hope the Turkey and Ham etc turns out good .. *fingers crossed*
Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year... It really is..! The feeling of ripping up the gifts with my immediate family under the tree is simply awesome. This year each of us received more gifts than usual... (thanks to Janice!) Really happy with my gifts.. Seems like as we get older, the gifts gradually becomes more pricey but useful.. In the past, we would buy each other cheap cute stuffs but now .. the transformers and plushies have somehow turned into branded shirts and gift vouchers.. Not that its a bad thing though, just an interesting observation!
I know its still early for New Year resolution, but I have started to do some serious thinking on my new year resolution for 2012.. Last year, I made several resolutions and maybe only ended up achieving 1 out of the many.. So this time, I'm going to do it differently. I shall only make one new year resolution: To reduce my cab expenses significantly. Simple as it sounds, it is NOT easy for me Haha! To the remaining readers (which I know is few and between) / blog walkers etc, happy holidays and have a blessed Christmas!

Wow.. Just like that, its Christmas again... Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la~~ Instead of the usual Mahjong Session with Wilson & Co. , this time its gonna be with Tom & Co.! Should be interesting and fun... Hope the Turkey and Ham etc turns out good .. *fingers crossed*
Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year... It really is..! The feeling of ripping up the gifts with my immediate family under the tree is simply awesome. This year each of us received more gifts than usual... (thanks to Janice!) Really happy with my gifts.. Seems like as we get older, the gifts gradually becomes more pricey but useful.. In the past, we would buy each other cheap cute stuffs but now .. the transformers and plushies have somehow turned into branded shirts and gift vouchers.. Not that its a bad thing though, just an interesting observation!
I know its still early for New Year resolution, but I have started to do some serious thinking on my new year resolution for 2012.. Last year, I made several resolutions and maybe only ended up achieving 1 out of the many.. So this time, I'm going to do it differently. I shall only make one new year resolution: To reduce my cab expenses significantly. Simple as it sounds, it is NOT easy for me Haha! To the remaining readers (which I know is few and between) / blog walkers etc, happy holidays and have a blessed Christmas!