Night out with Colleagues! ...
Hahha.. Was a pretty fun event.. ! After a mad rush to get everyone outta office by 6 (no thanks to Mr. Finance guy who HAD to call me at nearly 6pm), we finally got to E!Hub via cab.. After a short session of pool, we proceeded to KBOX for our dinner + KTV session!!
Woots. It was really crazy... Rachel brought in Brandy to mix with Coke (eeeks!), and together with the bunch of snacks we brought in, it sure became a mini-clubbing room.. LOL. Most of us sung of hearts out, and towards the end, the hilarious scene of a bunch of working adults dancing like teenagers became a reality! What an irony, that the final song of the night had to be.. a super 'Anti-climax' ish song: Mmmbop - Hanson.. HAHHA, srsly? Mmmbop from the caveman era?! hahha.
Latest Iphone Addiction:
Sigh, the loss of Steve Jobs is definitely a blow to the world of technology.. And pretty much explains the launching of Iphone 4S instead of I5.. But yh, I guess its all good for the neutrals holding on to I4 since they prob won't deflate much...
The SIRI function is what caught my attention though.. Seemed pretty cool and handy.
Check this out:
And lastly.. My new secret addiction.. Monster G! ... Together with Hanging with Friends + Words with Friends, my phone has suddenly become a source of endless entertainment 24/7! hahha.. Oops, it's still supposed to be a secret. =x

"Its funny how some friendships can be formed despite a bad, rocky start.. Its never right to judge a person from a single event/incident, everybody is different and special in their own way. It just takes alot of extra effort to understand and get along.." - B.Eng