Ooooo~~ Newton run which never happened. So.. I received this WHATSAPP from Tom in the early morning, to find out that he is not going to go for the run.. Turned out he won't be going for the run because of an upset stomach and lack of sleep. Aww, had mixed feelings upon reading the text! Happy cause now I have a super valid reason not to go and potentially kill myself (jokes) .. but somewhat disappointed cause I was quite hyped about trying for it.. (even bought running tights wth!) haha..
Well everything happens for a reason.. And this may well be a blessing too. Of cos I'm not gonna run the 18km myself .. because.. that is plain crazy. I need a companion else its so boring and stupid.. LOL.
Taken insanely early.. like 5.45am in the morning.. I was really ready for the run! hhaha AT LEAST, I think I looked ready.


Had a fun-tastic fun with SM on Friday. :) Started the day with One Day - the movie, and it was really a nice film. I was so absorbed in the plot, that by the end of the show, it felt almost like I've lived through the life of the main lead. :/ Yuh anw, I was quite happy with it.. 8.5/10 for me. Had a nice KTV session + outing after the show. Great way to end the one-week mini vacation! C: You rock!
"Have a relative's wedding dinner to attend to tonight.. Sigh, honestly.. I don't even know who is the relative and how we are related. :/"
"Have a relative's wedding dinner to attend to tonight.. Sigh, honestly.. I don't even know who is the relative and how we are related. :/"