Impossible is nothing..It really is! Even though my clocked timing seem to be de-te-rio-rating, I don't really care! Cause this is the first time that I actually really enjoyed my run.. The route largely consisted of the track surrounding Bedok Reservoir, which is fantastic cause its the route that I'm most familiar with.. (Ran my first 10km around the similar Route too)... Well I felt that I walked less, and forced myself to jog and skip past hydration points. Why my timing failed to improved is puzzling, but WHATEVER, I still get my finisher medal and finisher tee .. Woots!

Me and my Medal Burberry Bear.. He doesn't have a name yet. I guess, I'l name him Beardal.. :o
E-Hub just got more Entertain-FUL~
So on Friday I managed to clear my final leave for the 1st 6 months of work, and it was pretty awesome. Headed to E-Hub with SM and tried out the new X-Rider there. As a kid, I was always fascinated with such 4D rides.. I guess as a young adult now, I don't get the 'thrill' as much, but it was still all good fun .. ! I'd much rather do this all day, than to sit on rides such as say.. erm.. the Battlestar Galactica.. =x

Caught this romantic tear jerker "A little bit of heaven" too. Was pretty heart-warming, but pity I missed the ending portion due to some bad stomach. O well, I did enjoy most part of it, so easily a 7.2/10!
As usual, I couldn't miss an episode of Survivor and new reality singing competition "X-Factor" .. (Both of which are awesome btw!) And this particular audition on X-Factor blew me away.. Yh! Enjoy... Haha.
"Why can't I be gifted in music. Why can't I be gifted in anything lols"