We all love long weekends.. Right ?
Ok thanks to the recent presidential election (the 4 Tans!), cheapo employees like myself get to enjoy a long weekend which stretches all the way to Tuesday. Well especially so for me, since my boss encouraged me to apply for leave last friday.. Which means.. a good 5 days hols! LOLs, too bad I have no life, and ended up spending the bulk of the 5 days at home :/ Dang!

Ok thanks to the recent presidential election (the 4 Tans!), cheapo employees like myself get to enjoy a long weekend which stretches all the way to Tuesday. Well especially so for me, since my boss encouraged me to apply for leave last friday.. Which means.. a good 5 days hols! LOLs, too bad I have no life, and ended up spending the bulk of the 5 days at home :/ Dang!
I kinda dread facing my little cubicle on Wednesday.. Somehow I don't really have the drive to come to work.. Its sad to think that it has to come to this, cause its my first job and I really want it to be more .. more... meaningful? Well, I guess, I'l just live with it.. As I've been doing it for the past decades of my life. (Gawsh that last sentence made me feel damn old @@)
Oh and believe it or not, the long-awaited* b3n's very own Movie Rating is back!

Caught FD5 with XH over at NEX on Fri.. Haha, as with the previous FDs, the storyline is pretty much the same, and the ending almost never changes. =x I guess the REAL reason why people still watch it, is their innate desire to see other people die. Lols, srsly, thinking back, I couldnt think of a better reason to explain why I decided to catch the show. In any case, I'm a fan of 3D shows, and thus will be giving the film 6/10. o.o ... (I'm still looking forward to FD6 though =x)

Haha.. Watched Horrible Bosses with Aaron and the other Ben. Ok it is of pure coincidence that both movies are of M18 content..! But anyhow, it was pretty hilarious luh. For me, it was just one of those no-brainer films which we all love to watch just to get a good laugh. Hardly any romance / mind-provoking plots here.. just funny and mature-themed jokes spread over a star-studded cast. I almost couldn't recognized Jennifer Aniston though .. She must have aged abit. -le sighs- Oh, and before I forget, Horrible Bosses gets a 6.25/10.
*Long-awaited? Yea right!