Beastly o.o ! Woots...

Saw the trailer a couple of times, and felt a need to watch it. :/ lols.. Hopefully its as good as it looks.. *fingers crossed*
Oh no.. Work isn't turning out as smooth as I wanted it to be.. Despite already in my 5th month of work, I still feel really helpless in lots of aspect.. -le sighs- I guess all I need is a re-newed motivation to carry on with life. Instead of looking forward to the weekends/PH, I'l probably need to try looking forward to work instead. Yuh, I know.. Nobody said it was gonna be easy..o.o !
Ironically as it may sound, I felt like I could have used my weekends better! I actually spent a good entire afternoon on a Sat doing nothing, while spending the remaining evening watching soccer + online chatting/gaming.. Ohh.. Speaking of which, MIO tv actually allowed me to watch the EPL-winning match between Man Utd and Blackburns.. followed shortly by the FA cup final.. Woots. Watching soccer without the fear of a sudden lag / disconnection is amazing luh!.. (: Why didn't we just install this before the world cup !
"Every dog will have its day!"