I'm Back! .... (for now!)

Booomz! Thanks to Plushica SM.. I decided to give my blog a chance of a come-back! OMG .. lols. Whether or not it's gonna sustain is a different thing though.. EEEKS! .. Probably one entry per week sounds good? Does anyone know if IPHONE HAS A BLOGGER APP ?? That would be like, super convenient luh.. =/
Anyway i'm going to practise my GP (Stands for General Paper, not Grand Prix -.-) SUMMARY SKILLS by attempting to summarize what has happened to my life for the past, erm... half-a-year? =x Here it goes..
1. Continued to slack after Japan Trip.. Mainly spent time in my secret virtual world *cough*
2. Finally started to seek for a job and went for some interesting interviews :x
3. Landed a job with GF as an Industrial Engineer :x
4. Acclimatizing to work life C:
K, gotta poof for now. Can't believe I just posted an ENTRY. like, wow!

My Imaginary fav pet dog, Chuchu.. *pats Chuchu*