So I was at the bus stop, otw home after visiting the Marine Parade neighborhood clinic...
And this young primary school boy dumped his bag (and jacket) on the seat where I was... Then hurried off with his BEY BLADE toy set. To be honest I never understood the concept of this top-spinning game. My idea of BEY BLADE was just an over-complicated exaggeration of a simple "Let's spin and see who's top can spin longer" game. :X Then I started to think to myself.. Hmm ok maybe its more than just a test of strength / better tops. There might be MECHANICS involved :o Yuh.. Like modification of minor parts .. or design optimization to ensure maximum angular momentum or something like that.. EHHHHH. Ok thats enough of Bey Blade lols. :/
Search for the SOUL~~ (not Se-oul!)
Hmmm.. So again I started to have thoughts about my future. Is this what I really want? Do I have the capacity to fly higher? So many doubts.. Too many insecurities.. Somehow it feels like something is missing in my life. Something needs to change in my life. Soon. :X

"Let's eat........ RIB!" (St. Louise Pork Ribs anyone?..)