I'l be flying to.......... JAPAN ! =)

YES. In less than 12 hours time, I would be arriving in amazing Japan. LOLs. Can't wait to get on that plane and fly off again. Travelling is fun luh....... Especially with friends. I don't care about results anymore, this is probably the last time I can so freely enjoy myself with ZERO work/school commitments and I INTEND TO MAKE FULL USE of this opportunity.. =x
EXAM Results....
Results, results. Are they really that important? After 4 years, 8 semesters, is the end result really the only important reward? I won't deny.. I am slightly disappointed that I did not do my bestest for the final semester. But I really think I did myself proud enough. I mean, to get A- for FYP , IA and EID is probably my only pride for the entire MAE course. Courses like Fluid Dynamics don't really deserve any mentioning here. LOLs. ! Anyway, I'm glad its finally over. Time to look for a job soon. I hope. =/
"There is nothing more important than FRIENDS in this world"

YES. In less than 12 hours time, I would be arriving in amazing Japan. LOLs. Can't wait to get on that plane and fly off again. Travelling is fun luh....... Especially with friends. I don't care about results anymore, this is probably the last time I can so freely enjoy myself with ZERO work/school commitments and I INTEND TO MAKE FULL USE of this opportunity.. =x
EXAM Results....
Results, results. Are they really that important? After 4 years, 8 semesters, is the end result really the only important reward? I won't deny.. I am slightly disappointed that I did not do my bestest for the final semester. But I really think I did myself proud enough. I mean, to get A- for FYP , IA and EID is probably my only pride for the entire MAE course. Courses like Fluid Dynamics don't really deserve any mentioning here. LOLs. ! Anyway, I'm glad its finally over. Time to look for a job soon. I hope. =/
"There is nothing more important than FRIENDS in this world"