Hey look, another blog entry!.. ^^
Hi .. again!.. :/ Just like that, another week flew past.. And I'm approaching the end of my 4th month in GF! While the $$ factor is good and making my bank accounts feel happy, the stress and expectations of work is piling up aka the 'snowball' effect. :X Fast approaching my very own "BOTTLE-NECK" .. ewww.

Hi .. again!.. :/ Just like that, another week flew past.. And I'm approaching the end of my 4th month in GF! While the $$ factor is good and making my bank accounts feel happy, the stress and expectations of work is piling up aka the 'snowball' effect. :X Fast approaching my very own "BOTTLE-NECK" .. ewww.
This week was pretty good though. On Thursday attended a day-long training on Wafer-processing over at Fab 2 in Woodlands. And on Friday, I was able to clear half-day leave and used it rather well.
The training course on Thurs was a pretty fun course since we had to visualize the manufacturing process via the use of Agar-Agar! (some edible jelly thing, lols)..
This was how it looked like:
Looks yummy? Ikr.. :/ Resembled some nonya kueh of some sort.. lols.
And the inside looked like this. Ehh but I can't quite remember what those things inside are supposed to represent.. lols oops.
Yuh.. and then on Friday.. I got to catch.. RANGO~~ lols. (yes, the movie about that Techo-lookalike lizard :/)

Well.. The movie was just so-so... It did , however, had a story line and WASN'T just about a silly lizard escaping from a hawk (thank goodness!)... It got a little boring in-between and sadly it failed to really make me laugh much.. And for that reason, it probably won't get anything higher than a 6.0 / 10 from me.. Not like anyone would care much about my rating, but I'm just gonna do it cause i feel like it.. LOLS! WELCOME TO MY WORLD.
Got to really thank Plush SM for the company that day~
And finally.. Gonna end off with this SICK lady gaga MV, that sparked controversy (as usual). Born this way !
Chorus goes like:
"I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way"
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way"