HAHAHA. So I'm finally posting again. And at last I watched some movies. People who know me probably knows that I'm quite a Movie-freak.. So it has been a torture missing movies like 'Alice in wonderland' etc etc. Anyway, I'm back!.. I watched "How to train your Dragon" on Sat, and "Clash of the Titans" today!... So here is my review on them.

Dragon: 8.5 / 10.. I really enjoyed this kid movie. o.o I know .. Its a DreamWorks Animated movie, but still... Lols. It brought out the child in me. Eeeks. I wished I watched it in 3D though. Only 1.5 hour, but yet the simple plot is pleasing to the brain. :/

Titans: 7.25/10 .. Started out boring, ended boring too. But some nice fighting scenes in between? Lols I just enjoyed the battle with Medusa. Aaron told me after the show that the story differed abit from the actual mythology, so MINUS points for that -.- ! LOLs.
IP MAN 2 and TOY STORY 3 coming soon. OMG. Ok back to FYP and Mugging for Quiz.. :/ Till then!
"Had a nice little gathering with Angeline, Dawn and Wilson. Gip suzhou = win. "

Dragon: 8.5 / 10.. I really enjoyed this kid movie. o.o I know .. Its a DreamWorks Animated movie, but still... Lols. It brought out the child in me. Eeeks. I wished I watched it in 3D though. Only 1.5 hour, but yet the simple plot is pleasing to the brain. :/

Titans: 7.25/10 .. Started out boring, ended boring too. But some nice fighting scenes in between? Lols I just enjoyed the battle with Medusa. Aaron told me after the show that the story differed abit from the actual mythology, so MINUS points for that -.- ! LOLs.
IP MAN 2 and TOY STORY 3 coming soon. OMG. Ok back to FYP and Mugging for Quiz.. :/ Till then!
"Had a nice little gathering with Angeline, Dawn and Wilson. Gip suzhou = win. "