OMGOMG.. it has finally happened!... The feeling of euphoria is finally back! Er... Well, I finally submitted my FYP report! Imagine that . -.- LOLs.
Morning Madrush....
Lols. The entire LWN library literally went crazy today. Seems as though the entire batch of MAE Year 4 students were printing their FYP reports all at the same time. Thank goodness that somehow I was able to get everything done on time. Eeeks!
And then suddenly it came to my realization that today is possibly the LAST day of my school life. Its kinda sad it had to end up in such a RUSHing manner. But oh well, its actually quite befitting since "last min work/mugging/report-writing" has been the story for the 4 years in UNI. LOLs. And even more ironically, the very last lecture that I had to attend was Fluids Dynamics - the one module this sem that I can only PRAY for a decent grade.
"BTW I have no idea what that picture at the start of this entry even means. I just google-imaged for 'Sigh of Relief' .... Oh and FINALLY, I can sleep without the burden of knowing that FYP awaits me the next morning. PHEW!"