Attendance: 9 (out of .. er.. 27 i believe?)
Well, not many turned up but ok la.. Still had fun. =X
Dinner was @ the Kenny Rogers in Marina Square.

Everyone seems to be heading in a particular direction in their lives. Some still in their studies, others starting to work in banks, while one actually have his own business to run. Its kinda cool how we have people from all the local universities on that table. (Except the art schools like NAFA etc..)
After dinner, PC brought us to this bar in his school (SMU)..
Had some drinks..
Then back straight home to catch up with some Zzzz. Overall it was just a gathering to catch up with one another la. Too bad many could not make it due to work, school and other personal commitments.
Sigh, realised that I'm a really bad drinker.. Probably one of the worst in my age group I think.. =X. But that bottle of Bright Ale 'something' was okay la.. Rather low alcohol content I think.. Even had a little bit of pool session with Kaiwei and PC..
Time really flies, and rather unbelievably, this is already the 99th post in my blog. So fast.. I actually have a stand alone post dated all the way back in 2004!