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Yayee! Every dog will its day!....

Cave Man theory ..
Saturday, September 29, 2007

So fast?! Sian.. There goes my long awaited recess week.. =(
This week literally flew past lor. I hardly had time to do anything meaningful. Sigh.. Have only myself to blame slacking too much. Well, at least I still have tomorrow to tie up the loose-ends.

Damn forgetful la!

I brought out my MOM (mechanics of materials la) notes to my driving lesson so that I could maybe read a little during the long bus journeys (to and fro). And on my way back, I actually left that folder at the seat of the bus stop. The worst part of it all was that by the time I realised, I was already at bedok reservoir. In fact, the bus that I was on was just about to enter the east coast area. Sigh.. I had to spend 14 bucks to travel back to the bus stop, retrieve the file, and then back home. (ALL by cab)

The taxi journey..

Actually the 14 bucks was quite worth it. Not because I eventually got my folder back, but because of the very entertaining taxi driver. He was telling me how the driving instructors like to 'eat' the money of their learners by their 'Start late end early' policy.. Then when I told him that I was studying engineering when my interest was elsewhere, his reaction was:

'Ar? Cannot like that la. After your NTU, you will be out WORKING leh.. How can say you don't really like what you studying 1?? Must try to learn as much as you can then you're out from ntu (...) '

Haha. Thanks uncle. Your insights kinda inspired me to enjoy what I'm studying. Be it fluid or materials, I am so .. going to master YOU la..

I chanced upon this entry by a very famous blogger.. It was basically about height issues and how height is not as important as in our prehistoric cavemen ancestors.

In summary, it was about how a long long time ago, when the earth was only populated with cavemen and sabertooth tigers. The cavemen were in turn, divided into groups according to their height. The TALL cavemen were usually the leaders as they could reach higher for fruits (in trees) and dive deeper in the rivers to catch fish. Of cos they were supposedly able to run faster too (Hence they were seldom killed by the sabertooth tigers.) The SHORT cavemen were often despised but god is fair, what they lacked in their strength and height, they gained in their knowledge. They were able to make bows/arrows, and fishing gears etc.. The average-height cavemen were the least happy people. They could only watch in awe the inventiveness of the short cavemen and the powerful physique of the tall cavemen.

After a series of events (which I'm not going to elaborate here), the 3 groups of cavemen seperated from from one another to form their own colonies. Billions of years later, the tall people ended up in Paris (which explains the influx of tall, good looking models) whereas the short people ended up here (in Singapore!).. The average-height people, being stupid, could only watch the success of their shorter compatriots from afar.

The entry ended with the following statements:


"Alright! So now u know why height is seen as being important in our society. However, nobody stopped to think that ladders have render tree climbing useless.

Boats have rendered deep river fishing useless.

Cars have rendered escaping from wild animals useless, not to mention that the Sabertooth tiger is extinct.

So height has no use whatsoever nowadays. It is just an age-old tradition that tall is good. (...)" -How true!

I was laughing when I read about the TNP article about the ah pek who complained that NLB sent them a letter requesting him to pay the long over-due library book fine of 20 cents. (yes, JUST 20 cents). I mean, how ridiculous is that? Chasing after a 6 yr old fine of 20 cents.. Well, NLB got me too. And for even lesser.. 5 cents lesser to be EXACT. =X