Phew.. The past few days have been total madness la.
Study study study... Becoming a full time 'Nerd' soon la...
(Nerd, as a stereotypical derogatory designation, refers to a person who passionately pursues intellectual or esoteric knowledge or pastimes rather than engaging in social life, such as participating in organized sports or other mainstream social activities.) Adapted from Wikipedia again..
Its pretty unbelievable how I managed to digest 291 pages (no more no less) of information in a span of 3 days. Now thats the price to pay for not paying attention to lectures for psychology. Sigh.. And to make matters worse, I had to balance that time spent to prepare for the fluid mechanics quiz which just HAD to fall on the same day.
My mind was super saturated this morning. Terms such as Hypothalamus, Corpus Callosum, as well as names like James Watson, Skinner, Freud and other famous psychologists were all over my mind. I think if you asked me a question totally unrelated to psychology or fluid mechanics, I would probably give you a rubbish answer.
For instance, if you asked me "How's life?" I would probably answer you something along the lines of "Oh life's just an illusion caused by Perceptions that essentially does not correspond to Reality" .. Oh what the crap am I talking about.. Anyway you get my idea la.. =X
Finally can slp early today! ...
Woah, I'm starting to appreciate SLEEP now. And I mean the kind of undisturbed stress-free sleep. Zzzz... ... ...
Overall the quizes today were manageable ba. Not so sure if I did well, but at least I tried my best. And I beat Eric 5-0 in Winning Eleven at his hall.. (lol, just HAD to mention it. =X)
Quote: "The world's full of apathy, but I don't care."

So bored during my HP802 evening lecture.. Think I'm gonna exercise my first S/U on you..
Study study study... Becoming a full time 'Nerd' soon la...
(Nerd, as a stereotypical derogatory designation, refers to a person who passionately pursues intellectual or esoteric knowledge or pastimes rather than engaging in social life, such as participating in organized sports or other mainstream social activities.) Adapted from Wikipedia again..
Its pretty unbelievable how I managed to digest 291 pages (no more no less) of information in a span of 3 days. Now thats the price to pay for not paying attention to lectures for psychology. Sigh.. And to make matters worse, I had to balance that time spent to prepare for the fluid mechanics quiz which just HAD to fall on the same day.
My mind was super saturated this morning. Terms such as Hypothalamus, Corpus Callosum, as well as names like James Watson, Skinner, Freud and other famous psychologists were all over my mind. I think if you asked me a question totally unrelated to psychology or fluid mechanics, I would probably give you a rubbish answer.
For instance, if you asked me "How's life?" I would probably answer you something along the lines of "Oh life's just an illusion caused by Perceptions that essentially does not correspond to Reality" .. Oh what the crap am I talking about.. Anyway you get my idea la.. =X
Finally can slp early today! ...
Woah, I'm starting to appreciate SLEEP now. And I mean the kind of undisturbed stress-free sleep. Zzzz... ... ...
Overall the quizes today were manageable ba. Not so sure if I did well, but at least I tried my best. And I beat Eric 5-0 in Winning Eleven at his hall.. (lol, just HAD to mention it. =X)
Quote: "The world's full of apathy, but I don't care."
So bored during my HP802 evening lecture.. Think I'm gonna exercise my first S/U on you..