Finally made up my mind to S/U my HP802 elective. I think I made the right decision. I really need to buy the time for my core subjects. This was the confirmation:

Haven't had time to blog the past week. I'm telling you la, the number of hours of sleep that I had throughout the whole week was probably less than 20. (4x5=25) This means that I only had an average of 4 hours of sleep per day.. It may sound like a lot, but if you consider the time I have to wake up every morning.. 4 hours is really not enough. =X
Quiz results were released this week. I did moderately well for my psychology (around 72%) but I really should have done better la. Electric quiz was even more disappointing. Barely passed only... In fact, with that kind of marks, its really no different from a fail la. Next Tuesday is maths quiz. For the first time in 2 years, I feel that I could grasp hold of the maths concepts taught in lectures. I hope this will finally end my streak of C+s for maths (I.e, my maths 1 and 2).
Phew.. Finally submitted my Working In 21st Century Assignment. Looking forward to good sleep once again.
UPDATE: You can actually play with the cyber dog thingy at the side (just below the Cbox). I know.. Its lame.
Haven't had time to blog the past week. I'm telling you la, the number of hours of sleep that I had throughout the whole week was probably less than 20. (4x5=25) This means that I only had an average of 4 hours of sleep per day.. It may sound like a lot, but if you consider the time I have to wake up every morning.. 4 hours is really not enough. =X
Quiz results were released this week. I did moderately well for my psychology (around 72%) but I really should have done better la. Electric quiz was even more disappointing. Barely passed only... In fact, with that kind of marks, its really no different from a fail la. Next Tuesday is maths quiz. For the first time in 2 years, I feel that I could grasp hold of the maths concepts taught in lectures. I hope this will finally end my streak of C+s for maths (I.e, my maths 1 and 2).
Phew.. Finally submitted my Working In 21st Century Assignment. Looking forward to good sleep once again.
UPDATE: You can actually play with the cyber dog thingy at the side (just below the Cbox). I know.. Its lame.