Finally, something happy to blog about! ...
I've been whining and complaining about how I failed my IPPT and how I flunked my Quizes, etc etc.. And now at long last.. I can blog about something happy! I've been thru so much shit to finally get my driving licence !! Its so surreal la. Until now I'm pinching myself every now and then to make sure that I'm not dreaming.
This was how it all begun:
Woke up at 730 am.. Started to prepare to meet Mr Lau for the final practice on road before going for the TP test. Not much sign of nervousness yet.. But I had to drink one bottle of Brands Essence to make sure I stayed alert. =X
Took a cab down to Ubi driving centre. The cab driver, once again, was chatty. I'm surprised he guessed my age correctly! Not many could do that. (Many still think I look 18.) But anw, he told me his son was also taking third time. And so I felt much better. 'At least I'm not the only loser who is taking 3 times'..
After one hour of talking cock session with Mr Lau on the road, it was time for the actual practical test. Damn nervous at this point of time.=X The drawing of lots was torturous. Thank god I missed the deadly route 6 and the notorious tester by the name of Lim Choon Seng.. wahaha..
The test... =X
1130: This was it la. The same test which made me spent almost 2000 bucks in vain. It was starting to drizzle when I entered the circuit. But still, I did well. Almost too well that I couldn't believe myself. Then on the road, it started raining moderately heavily. I tried to turn the wipers on. But I couldn't get it to move continuously! In order not to let the tester know my stupidity, I had to continuously (and stealth-fully) tap on the wiper lever every 5 sec.. Haha.. That was damn embarrassing la.
In the end, the result.
The tester : "Your driving is good today. Very few mistakes. Just make sure to always check your blind spots. You can go and watch the video at 12:45"
Me : "Oh.. ok.. Thank you so much!" (Had this urge to go over and hug him. lol)
After I came out of the tester room, I met Yashi. Unbelievably coincident la.. (Those who know me well enough will understand the irony of it all.) Anyway, she was applying for her PDL at that time. So we went for lunch together at the nearby food centre. After a super long wait, I finally got my slip of paper (the one that acts as a temporary license) .. Supreme happiness I tell you.. I immediately got on a cab and rushed back home while still extremely proud of the job well done. The rest, as they say, is history.. lol. =X
'The biggest irony of it all is that YOU happen to be the first person to know that I passed my driving. You were the reason I wanted it so badly back then. This must be what they call DESTINY. haha =X'

See? I got check blind spot one hor...

4 pointer leh.. I'm happy =)
I've been whining and complaining about how I failed my IPPT and how I flunked my Quizes, etc etc.. And now at long last.. I can blog about something happy! I've been thru so much shit to finally get my driving licence !! Its so surreal la. Until now I'm pinching myself every now and then to make sure that I'm not dreaming.
This was how it all begun:
Woke up at 730 am.. Started to prepare to meet Mr Lau for the final practice on road before going for the TP test. Not much sign of nervousness yet.. But I had to drink one bottle of Brands Essence to make sure I stayed alert. =X
Took a cab down to Ubi driving centre. The cab driver, once again, was chatty. I'm surprised he guessed my age correctly! Not many could do that. (Many still think I look 18.) But anw, he told me his son was also taking third time. And so I felt much better. 'At least I'm not the only loser who is taking 3 times'..
After one hour of talking cock session with Mr Lau on the road, it was time for the actual practical test. Damn nervous at this point of time.=X The drawing of lots was torturous. Thank god I missed the deadly route 6 and the notorious tester by the name of Lim Choon Seng.. wahaha..
The test... =X
1130: This was it la. The same test which made me spent almost 2000 bucks in vain. It was starting to drizzle when I entered the circuit. But still, I did well. Almost too well that I couldn't believe myself. Then on the road, it started raining moderately heavily. I tried to turn the wipers on. But I couldn't get it to move continuously! In order not to let the tester know my stupidity, I had to continuously (and stealth-fully) tap on the wiper lever every 5 sec.. Haha.. That was damn embarrassing la.
In the end, the result.
The tester : "Your driving is good today. Very few mistakes. Just make sure to always check your blind spots. You can go and watch the video at 12:45"
Me : "Oh.. ok.. Thank you so much!" (Had this urge to go over and hug him. lol)
After I came out of the tester room, I met Yashi. Unbelievably coincident la.. (Those who know me well enough will understand the irony of it all.) Anyway, she was applying for her PDL at that time. So we went for lunch together at the nearby food centre. After a super long wait, I finally got my slip of paper (the one that acts as a temporary license) .. Supreme happiness I tell you.. I immediately got on a cab and rushed back home while still extremely proud of the job well done. The rest, as they say, is history.. lol. =X
'The biggest irony of it all is that YOU happen to be the first person to know that I passed my driving. You were the reason I wanted it so badly back then. This must be what they call DESTINY. haha =X'
See? I got check blind spot one hor...

4 pointer leh.. I'm happy =)