Lol .. emo pic taken on Dawn's camera.. I know its random..
But i think the background is really nice. I like!
Day of reckoning..
Started the day playing tennis with Robin, Eric and Bernard.. Was quite fun la.. Except that I can't understand why I can't beat Eric. =/ After that was Pool, Daidi and then Mahjong!... Ended the day with dinner/desert at this HK cafe in ECP... =X
Hmmm. So the results for yr4 sem1 was released today. I finally did "quite well" this sem. Got an A for Prof Comm, and more surprisingly, managed to squeeze an A- for my Principles of Marketing... =/ I thought my marketing was going to be CUI after that clueless written paper I had submitted a few weeks ago. Surprise, surprise.. Guess we shd always "expect the unexpected" - quoted from HT. lols.
"Another male Malay Singapore Idol winner? sigh -.-"