.Singapore Idol Results!
The results of Singapore Idol was just released. (like 10 mins ago) And Mae Sta Maria was eliminated this week. How sad =c... I really really felt that she was one of the better performer tonight. Her rendition of "Somewhere over the rainbow" was so much better than Faizal's super weak version of "The reason"... Oh well. I guess, MSM's fan base is too small. And oh, why on earth was Sylvia on the bottom 2 again. Sylvia and Tabitha are like, a class above the other singers. Duane, please go home and concentrate on your O's.. Sorry but I really can't picture you representing Singapore in Asia Idol or w/e... o.o

"Mae Sta Maria".. What a unique name...
.RT deferment Sucessful.......
Ok so I finally managed to defer the phase 2 of my RT. I still can't believe I failed my IPPT again. I was pretty sure I could pass after one month of RT-ing. Oh well. I could blame my chronic coughing, or my sprained ankle, but ultimately, I failed cos I did not have a strong enough will-power. Why on earth did I stop running on the 5th round. Crazy me.. =c
.Hell week.
Wow. Its Wednesday. Mid week! I can't wait for the week to end. Cos basically, end of this week would imply:
(1) The submission of QAM assignment (20% of 3AUs)
(2) The end of the final Marketing Presentation (40% of 3AUs)
(3) The submission of 4011 project report (60% of 3AUs!)
Wowowow. Ok. Thats a grand total 120% ! lol. And considering that Prof Comm has officially ended for me since two weeks ago, things sure look good if I managed to survive this week. *fingers crossed*
.Golf is fun......... !
Yea .. So I was initially freakin surprised when Dean suddenly told us that he was conducting the PC (professional certificate) test during last Sunday's golf session. Thankfully I manage to somehow master my swing half an hour before the actual test. I was consistently hitting over 100 , and close to 150 m with my Irons/Wood. Feeling was kinda high!.. lol. But as it turned out, everyone who payed the $200 would get the PC. It doesn't even matter if you can swing well or not. o.o Hahahs. Last session next week, I'm sure I'l miss some of the fun sessions I had during this 9-week period... (especially the time when I was made team captain for the Putting session!) ..

lol. I think our group is kinda fun. From left: Myself, Nhi, Sihua, Celine and Azmil.

Lol. I must learn to smile more like Celine!
The results of Singapore Idol was just released. (like 10 mins ago) And Mae Sta Maria was eliminated this week. How sad =c... I really really felt that she was one of the better performer tonight. Her rendition of "Somewhere over the rainbow" was so much better than Faizal's super weak version of "The reason"... Oh well. I guess, MSM's fan base is too small. And oh, why on earth was Sylvia on the bottom 2 again. Sylvia and Tabitha are like, a class above the other singers. Duane, please go home and concentrate on your O's.. Sorry but I really can't picture you representing Singapore in Asia Idol or w/e... o.o

"Mae Sta Maria".. What a unique name...
.RT deferment Sucessful.......
Ok so I finally managed to defer the phase 2 of my RT. I still can't believe I failed my IPPT again. I was pretty sure I could pass after one month of RT-ing. Oh well. I could blame my chronic coughing, or my sprained ankle, but ultimately, I failed cos I did not have a strong enough will-power. Why on earth did I stop running on the 5th round. Crazy me.. =c
.Hell week.
Wow. Its Wednesday. Mid week! I can't wait for the week to end. Cos basically, end of this week would imply:
(1) The submission of QAM assignment (20% of 3AUs)
(2) The end of the final Marketing Presentation (40% of 3AUs)
(3) The submission of 4011 project report (60% of 3AUs!)
Wowowow. Ok. Thats a grand total 120% ! lol. And considering that Prof Comm has officially ended for me since two weeks ago, things sure look good if I managed to survive this week. *fingers crossed*
.Golf is fun......... !
Yea .. So I was initially freakin surprised when Dean suddenly told us that he was conducting the PC (professional certificate) test during last Sunday's golf session. Thankfully I manage to somehow master my swing half an hour before the actual test. I was consistently hitting over 100 , and close to 150 m with my Irons/Wood. Feeling was kinda high!.. lol. But as it turned out, everyone who payed the $200 would get the PC. It doesn't even matter if you can swing well or not. o.o Hahahs. Last session next week, I'm sure I'l miss some of the fun sessions I had during this 9-week period... (especially the time when I was made team captain for the Putting session!) ..

lol. I think our group is kinda fun. From left: Myself, Nhi, Sihua, Celine and Azmil.

Lol. I must learn to smile more like Celine!