Warning: Might be a long post today!
Exams finally ended............ =/ =/ !
Oh Gawsh.. What a relief. Exams have ended and hopefully I don't suffer any 'injuries' this sem. The modules feels generally okay, as in there are no modules which I really feel I'm gonna fail or something. Thankfully, I got a decent feel that I might do better than my previous sems. I hope my feeling is right, cos the disappointment of another sub-par performance will be very detrimental to my hope of reaching my eventual aim... SIGH. Come on. Please let me see a 4-point-something this sem. PLEASE! =/ lol.
What's after Exams!
Sigh. I have yet to start on my FYP interim report. What could I possibly write when I have done virtually nothing yet. =c Sigh. I feel really stressed whenever I hear friends telling me about what they have done for their FYP. Its not like I want to slack, but Prof Carman is literally throwing me to the deepest of ocean, in hope of me finding a solution to find my own way to a safe haven. I'm directionless, I'm clueless, I'm helpless. I guess I got to depend on myself now... At least for this Interim report. =c Got to come out with something decent realllll soon.
Wao. Time flies...! I'l be flying off to Suzhou for the exchange programme in barely a weeks time. =/ Its kinda worrying that I don't have close friends going with me. Its almost like I'm going there alone.... Oh well, got to make new friends I hope. Might be a good thing afterall... Learning to be more independent etc etc etc. lol.
Happy Birthday to me .......... !
Yea! So it was my uh-hmmTH birthday yesterday. Spend my day Kbox-ing and Bowling with Wil and SY.. before ending the day with the traditional birthday cake blowing session with my family. =/
This is the new HP that I'm going to get tmr! Kinda excited... N97 mini!
Here are some pictures ENJOY OK. lol :
Pictures taken at Jewel Box over at Mount Faber ! I love the CHRISTMAS ATMOSPHERE.. The food though, left much to be desired.... especially for its hefty price~!

Birthday Cake 1 (with family). Cake was from AWFULLY CHOCOLATE. Not too bad. Loved the chocolatey taste! lol...

Birthday Cake 2 (with my 'gay' friends! lol =/) . The kbox ppl were super NOT ENTHU de.. haha. All hide behind the door when singing the birthday song. HILARIOUS if you ask me. haha. But anyway the cake was quite big and tasted decent so I'm not really complaining lar.
Free picture taken by kbox staff:

Me, me and me...
Exams finally ended............ =/ =/ !
Oh Gawsh.. What a relief. Exams have ended and hopefully I don't suffer any 'injuries' this sem. The modules feels generally okay, as in there are no modules which I really feel I'm gonna fail or something. Thankfully, I got a decent feel that I might do better than my previous sems. I hope my feeling is right, cos the disappointment of another sub-par performance will be very detrimental to my hope of reaching my eventual aim... SIGH. Come on. Please let me see a 4-point-something this sem. PLEASE! =/ lol.
What's after Exams!
Sigh. I have yet to start on my FYP interim report. What could I possibly write when I have done virtually nothing yet. =c Sigh. I feel really stressed whenever I hear friends telling me about what they have done for their FYP. Its not like I want to slack, but Prof Carman is literally throwing me to the deepest of ocean, in hope of me finding a solution to find my own way to a safe haven. I'm directionless, I'm clueless, I'm helpless. I guess I got to depend on myself now... At least for this Interim report. =c Got to come out with something decent realllll soon.
Wao. Time flies...! I'l be flying off to Suzhou for the exchange programme in barely a weeks time. =/ Its kinda worrying that I don't have close friends going with me. Its almost like I'm going there alone.... Oh well, got to make new friends I hope. Might be a good thing afterall... Learning to be more independent etc etc etc. lol.
Happy Birthday to me .......... !
Yea! So it was my uh-hmmTH birthday yesterday. Spend my day Kbox-ing and Bowling with Wil and SY.. before ending the day with the traditional birthday cake blowing session with my family. =/
This is the new HP that I'm going to get tmr! Kinda excited... N97 mini!
Here are some pictures ENJOY OK. lol :
Pictures taken at Jewel Box over at Mount Faber ! I love the CHRISTMAS ATMOSPHERE.. The food though, left much to be desired.... especially for its hefty price~!

Birthday Cake 1 (with family). Cake was from AWFULLY CHOCOLATE. Not too bad. Loved the chocolatey taste! lol...
Birthday Cake 2 (with my 'gay' friends! lol =/) . The kbox ppl were super NOT ENTHU de.. haha. All hide behind the door when singing the birthday song. HILARIOUS if you ask me. haha. But anyway the cake was quite big and tasted decent so I'm not really complaining lar.
Free picture taken by kbox staff:

Me, me and me...