Lol. I'm officially a 'flash forward' member. (The joint membership card for Topman/Topshop/Dorothy Perkins and something else) .. Well I don't see why not, since I kinda like some of their line of clothing. Hahs...
I bought this Casual Blazer/Jacket-like thing.. 
Which I kinda love! lol. Been eyeing on one of these for quite some time le. And now I finally bought it. =/ HaHaaa..
Exams Exams...
Wow!... After the two 'heavy-content' exams on Mon, I find myself slacking. Its almost like how I started walking at the 5th round of my 2.4.. Shhessh! I can't let history repeat itself. I gotta start mugging for that last and final paper soon. Expectations are high this sem. I've probably never done better for my quizzes in the past 3 years in NTU... I HAVE TO DO WELL THIS SEM. Grr. Can't afford another weak performance ... =c i only have one sem left.......

Despite all my tagging etc. I find myself HARDLY even using the textbook during my MB103 OPEN-BOOK examination. Sheesh! =x