I'm back again! Wow. 2 weeks passed really quickly. I can still remember myself packing up my luggage for the trip, and now suddenly.... I find myself unpacking that very same luggage le. =c
The trip in general!
Wowoowowoow. Well .. overall, i have to say, I kinda enjoyed myself! It was my first overseas trip without my family. I tend to be very blur during "FIRST TIMEs".. But thankfully I think I carried myself fairly well and managed to form a clique with some friends I met there. (:
(Pictures will be posted all the way below........)
Anyway, in all honesty I didnt really put in effort to remember the names of the various places I visited in Suzhou. I know there was Tiger Hill, West Lake (in Hangzhou), Tai hu lake, some silkworm factory, Stryker in SIP, and Tong li town? I think there was also this place with a famous Pavillion too but I can't quite remember the name =/.. LOL.
The most enjoyable part of the trip would probably be the weekends and OTOT outings we had each day. Our group of six was kinda tight as in we went out together almost all the time .. LOL. (Our group consist of Angeline, Vivien, Dawn, Junhao, Wilson and myself... ) Although it was unfortunate that we didnt get to mix with the other ppl from the class as much as we would like to, I still think our group was pretty fun... There were certain parts of the trip which were pretty much unforgettable!... For eg, the very first 'Hei Che' experience, the part when we were escorted by touters to the secret store, the part when we were walking back to the dome from Scarlet Pub... There are many more but these are the first 3 that came to mind! hahhhah =x
I'm really going to miss the times spent in China. I loved the company, loved the weather, and loved the fact that I was travelling away from home/family for the first time. I miss Suzhou already =c
Important lessons learnt from the GIP prelude trip! (no.. nothing to do with the boring China history lessons =/)
(1) Make sure a female around if you are into serious shopping.
(2) Taxis in China are generally safe (even the black ones)
(3) Just by adjusting the shuttle speed and lens aperture, I "should" be able to take decent shots with a DSLR camera..
(4) For shopping in China: The lowest price is not the lowest until the transaction is complete.
(5) For shopping in China: Fake goods can be further catagorised into the degree of fakeness. The ones which are less fake generally cost more of cos!
(6) For shopping in China: Certain stores actually have secret rooms whereby they store their more 'real' fake products ...
Pictures time!

Me, Wilson and my roomie! (Adil) ... I love the scenic background (:

Me and Dawn... Hahha. I think this pic looked kinda fun. =/ (Weeee!)

Me and Belinda!.. She is really friendly. Very attentive in class, and seemed to enjoy taking pictures of me with her 'moo moo's... =/ hhaha..

Group photo!.. Dawn, Vivien, Angel, Wil, me.. Notice that Junhao is not in the pic.. =x eeks!

Junhao, me and Dawn. This is one of the rare pictures with JH! lol. he is kinda elusive... o.o

This looks more fun than it actually was. Nicely taken shot!

The stingray rollercoaster at the 'Mo Tian Lun' themepark. Poor Dawn and lucky JH for being forced to miss the ride due to bad weather. HAHA..

One of the many scenics pics taken by me. YES.. I am getting better at camera shots. (:

Taken at the Shanghai Train-Station.. This really feels just like yesterday =c

Lovely water curtain ! I forgot where is this place though.. =/ oops...

Yuan Yang! (aka Mandarin ducks) We actually saw them in one of the lake places..
"Merry Christmas to whoever who happens to read this entry! ~~ and a happy new year. lol "
The trip in general!
Wowoowowoow. Well .. overall, i have to say, I kinda enjoyed myself! It was my first overseas trip without my family. I tend to be very blur during "FIRST TIMEs".. But thankfully I think I carried myself fairly well and managed to form a clique with some friends I met there. (:
(Pictures will be posted all the way below........)
Anyway, in all honesty I didnt really put in effort to remember the names of the various places I visited in Suzhou. I know there was Tiger Hill, West Lake (in Hangzhou), Tai hu lake, some silkworm factory, Stryker in SIP, and Tong li town? I think there was also this place with a famous Pavillion too but I can't quite remember the name =/.. LOL.
The most enjoyable part of the trip would probably be the weekends and OTOT outings we had each day. Our group of six was kinda tight as in we went out together almost all the time .. LOL. (Our group consist of Angeline, Vivien, Dawn, Junhao, Wilson and myself... ) Although it was unfortunate that we didnt get to mix with the other ppl from the class as much as we would like to, I still think our group was pretty fun... There were certain parts of the trip which were pretty much unforgettable!... For eg, the very first 'Hei Che' experience, the part when we were escorted by touters to the secret store, the part when we were walking back to the dome from Scarlet Pub... There are many more but these are the first 3 that came to mind! hahhhah =x
I'm really going to miss the times spent in China. I loved the company, loved the weather, and loved the fact that I was travelling away from home/family for the first time. I miss Suzhou already =c
Important lessons learnt from the GIP prelude trip! (no.. nothing to do with the boring China history lessons =/)
(1) Make sure a female around if you are into serious shopping.
(2) Taxis in China are generally safe (even the black ones)
(3) Just by adjusting the shuttle speed and lens aperture, I "should" be able to take decent shots with a DSLR camera..
(4) For shopping in China: The lowest price is not the lowest until the transaction is complete.
(5) For shopping in China: Fake goods can be further catagorised into the degree of fakeness. The ones which are less fake generally cost more of cos!
(6) For shopping in China: Certain stores actually have secret rooms whereby they store their more 'real' fake products ...
Pictures time!
Me, Wilson and my roomie! (Adil) ... I love the scenic background (:
Me and Dawn... Hahha. I think this pic looked kinda fun. =/ (Weeee!)
Me and Belinda!.. She is really friendly. Very attentive in class, and seemed to enjoy taking pictures of me with her 'moo moo's... =/ hhaha..
Group photo!.. Dawn, Vivien, Angel, Wil, me.. Notice that Junhao is not in the pic.. =x eeks!
Junhao, me and Dawn. This is one of the rare pictures with JH! lol. he is kinda elusive... o.o
This looks more fun than it actually was. Nicely taken shot!
The stingray rollercoaster at the 'Mo Tian Lun' themepark. Poor Dawn and lucky JH for being forced to miss the ride due to bad weather. HAHA..
One of the many scenics pics taken by me. YES.. I am getting better at camera shots. (:
Taken at the Shanghai Train-Station.. This really feels just like yesterday =c
Lovely water curtain ! I forgot where is this place though.. =/ oops...
Yuan Yang! (aka Mandarin ducks) We actually saw them in one of the lake places..
"Merry Christmas to whoever who happens to read this entry! ~~ and a happy new year. lol "