Its Tuesday le .. and I feel like I've been wasting my holidays so far. Have yet to remove anything from my Crumpler sch bag. Not done a tutorial, not read a set of lecture notes. Well, to be fair to myself, I had a lab presentation yesterday.. But still.. There is still so much work to be done. Quizzes again next week.. Sigh..

Ch5 have been repeatedly showing us the trailer/making of new local firm 'The Leap Years'. Okay.. I know that it is just another one of those local film. But still, I really want to watch it. The movie is said to follow a Irish leap year tradition that no man will refuse any request of a lady (including a date or even proposals) every February 29th. How unfair la.. There should also be a day when no lady can refuse a man lol. =/
Quote: 'It is better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all'

Ch5 have been repeatedly showing us the trailer/making of new local firm 'The Leap Years'. Okay.. I know that it is just another one of those local film. But still, I really want to watch it. The movie is said to follow a Irish leap year tradition that no man will refuse any request of a lady (including a date or even proposals) every February 29th. How unfair la.. There should also be a day when no lady can refuse a man lol. =/
Quote: 'It is better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all'