Today is CNY eve! ...
I went back to Maris Stella High School today! .. I never thought I would ever return but I actually did just that. Damn fun larr.. See teachers whom I have never seen (or even heard of) for almost a DECADE... Yes you heard it right.. I'm that OLD le.. =(
Some of the teachers very fake la!..
'Heyy.. I remember your faces but can't put a name to it..' or 'HIHI.. Wa, you guys have grown up so much.. Hey what are your names again?' .. Keep getting so many of this kind of replies from the teachers. My form teacher from sec 3-4 even better.. Keep asking me not to get offended for the past etc etc, scared I find ppl hack her or stg.. Hahs.. I rly look so BENG meh?? =/
(I don't think so ba... ...)
Back in Classroom 4 DOMINIC. These were the exact same seats we were sitting at b4 la, about SEVEN freakin years back! ... Ha.

OMGz.. Met Mr Cham ! My most respected teacher of all time.. Although you don't remember my name, I don't blame you.. =/ You still rock.
And... some other random pics from MSHS !...

Champagnat Plaza! Er.. Actually I srsly have no idea why I took a pic of this. I remember back then when I actually thought this 'plaza' is a shopping mall. (Think Lucky PLAZA.. or even PLAZA Singapura.. =X)

'OLD school' kind of drink machine.. Haha.. I used to drink these '40 cents' drinks every day la.. Nowadays, I just pay 2.5 times of that for a CAN drink instead.
UPDATE: Just packed my room and finished my reunion dinner a couple of hours back. Happy CNY to all readers!!.. Huat la. LOLx.
I went back to Maris Stella High School today! .. I never thought I would ever return but I actually did just that. Damn fun larr.. See teachers whom I have never seen (or even heard of) for almost a DECADE... Yes you heard it right.. I'm that OLD le.. =(
Some of the teachers very fake la!..
'Heyy.. I remember your faces but can't put a name to it..' or 'HIHI.. Wa, you guys have grown up so much.. Hey what are your names again?' .. Keep getting so many of this kind of replies from the teachers. My form teacher from sec 3-4 even better.. Keep asking me not to get offended for the past etc etc, scared I find ppl hack her or stg.. Hahs.. I rly look so BENG meh?? =/
(I don't think so ba... ...)
Back in Classroom 4 DOMINIC. These were the exact same seats we were sitting at b4 la, about SEVEN freakin years back! ... Ha.

OMGz.. Met Mr Cham ! My most respected teacher of all time.. Although you don't remember my name, I don't blame you.. =/ You still rock.
And... some other random pics from MSHS !...

Champagnat Plaza! Er.. Actually I srsly have no idea why I took a pic of this. I remember back then when I actually thought this 'plaza' is a shopping mall. (Think Lucky PLAZA.. or even PLAZA Singapura.. =X)

'OLD school' kind of drink machine.. Haha.. I used to drink these '40 cents' drinks every day la.. Nowadays, I just pay 2.5 times of that for a CAN drink instead.
UPDATE: Just packed my room and finished my reunion dinner a couple of hours back. Happy CNY to all readers!!.. Huat la. LOLx.