Hmm.. Having overnight mahjong (real 1) at my house right now. Attendence: Sis, Joelle, Junjie, Weequan, Jianyu and myself. 7 ppl? one mj table!! lol. Doing 'shift' with Gwen and Joelle.. Losing 30+ freakin bucks so far. hahaha =/

This is Wahjong (online mj)!.. Haha.. Damn cute lar. Go to .. (Add me if you do. I'm bnw2.)

This is me.
k la.. gtg continue my MJ session le. Huat ar !! =/

This is Wahjong (online mj)!.. Haha.. Damn cute lar. Go to .. (Add me if you do. I'm bnw2.)

This is me.
k la.. gtg continue my MJ session le. Huat ar !! =/