Ah Long + KF Dunk!...
2 mid night movies in 2 nights.. =/
Caught 'AH Long PL' and then 'Kung Fu Dunk' the next night. Not too bad ba.. Both also quite funny. I still think Mark Lee's role is hilarious. And Fann Wong's facial expression when she portrays the role of the organisation's head is simply priceless! hahs.. KungFu Dunk was ok. A little draggy at the ending.. Sigh, made me happy when for once I thought the main characters in a movie actually LOST. But, in the end still can turn back t.. Er.. K, better not spoil the movie here larr. =X
Picture from KRANJI ..

Singapore Turf Club..!!
Hahs.. Damn fun lar. Was my first time stepping in the turf club. Kinda amazed by the SIZE and facilities present there. People are already talking down the soon-to-come Integrated Resorts.. Er. Just walk in STC, and you will find a sea of hard core gamblers frantically running around the club lor..
Anyway, the experience quite fun. Still can check the 'form book' and 'track records' of the horses before you decide on which horse to bet on. Hahas.. =/


Ah Long + KF Dunk!...
2 mid night movies in 2 nights.. =/
Caught 'AH Long PL' and then 'Kung Fu Dunk' the next night. Not too bad ba.. Both also quite funny. I still think Mark Lee's role is hilarious. And Fann Wong's facial expression when she portrays the role of the organisation's head is simply priceless! hahs.. KungFu Dunk was ok. A little draggy at the ending.. Sigh, made me happy when for once I thought the main characters in a movie actually LOST. But, in the end still can turn back t.. Er.. K, better not spoil the movie here larr. =X
Picture from KRANJI ..
Singapore Turf Club..!!
Hahs.. Damn fun lar. Was my first time stepping in the turf club. Kinda amazed by the SIZE and facilities present there. People are already talking down the soon-to-come Integrated Resorts.. Er. Just walk in STC, and you will find a sea of hard core gamblers frantically running around the club lor..
Anyway, the experience quite fun. Still can check the 'form book' and 'track records' of the horses before you decide on which horse to bet on. Hahas.. =/