I'm getting quite bored of my life at times. I feel as though I should be doing so much more.. I spent so many years of my life following this 'path' created by my parents (And of course, societal issues played a part in this too) .. If I had thought far enough back then, I would have never walked the same path as I did to get where I am today. Well, "Life is all about regrets' - quoted from somewhere (can't remember la =X) ..
I asked my MSN friend from Indon - (who btw, have never seen me in person before), which job she thought best suited my character based on what she knew about me from all the time we chatted for the past 1 yr plus. To make things easier, I made it MCQ.. 1-Engineer 2-Banker 3-Work in an Advertising firm 4-Financial Planner 5-Property Agent.. Interestingly, she picked no 3 without much hesitation.. And coincidentally, that was what I really hope to become one day.. oh well.
Today's psychology lecture was pretty interesting!
There was this video on 'battered husbands'. It showed examples of many husbands having been physically abused by their wifes. Yes, you heard it right. And apparently, there are more than 800,000 of such cases of 'battered husbands' per annum. What is the world becoming to? I'm not saying this with any from of prejudice (in case you start to label me as an Alpha Male / MCP..) I'm just surprised cos it seems as though, women are slowly but surely becoming the stronger gender. Its not a bad thing la. Gender inequality should have never existed in the first place..

Aww.. My sis brought home a cosy house for her 2 new pets..

Actually I'm still a lil scared of hamsters.. Had this phobia ever since I accidentally drowned a poor hamster back when I was in primary school. I really didn't mean it lor..
I asked my MSN friend from Indon - (who btw, have never seen me in person before), which job she thought best suited my character based on what she knew about me from all the time we chatted for the past 1 yr plus. To make things easier, I made it MCQ.. 1-Engineer 2-Banker 3-Work in an Advertising firm 4-Financial Planner 5-Property Agent.. Interestingly, she picked no 3 without much hesitation.. And coincidentally, that was what I really hope to become one day.. oh well.
Today's psychology lecture was pretty interesting!
There was this video on 'battered husbands'. It showed examples of many husbands having been physically abused by their wifes. Yes, you heard it right. And apparently, there are more than 800,000 of such cases of 'battered husbands' per annum. What is the world becoming to? I'm not saying this with any from of prejudice (in case you start to label me as an Alpha Male / MCP..) I'm just surprised cos it seems as though, women are slowly but surely becoming the stronger gender. Its not a bad thing la. Gender inequality should have never existed in the first place..
Aww.. My sis brought home a cosy house for her 2 new pets..
Actually I'm still a lil scared of hamsters.. Had this phobia ever since I accidentally drowned a poor hamster back when I was in primary school. I really didn't mean it lor..