As usual, my weekend just simply, SHUCKS~~~~~ @@
Ain't weekends supposed to be the best part of the week? Well apparently in Ben Ng's life, that is soooo not the case. Thanks to Mindef (coupled with my lack of fitness), my Saturday evenings for the next 28 days are now officially booked for RT. Gawsh. What a sad, sad life I have. Grr.. And what about Sundays? Well, I was SUPPOSED to study on Sunday.. or at least work on the stupid MATLAB thing.. but..... it appears that I'm not doing any of the two =/...
Job Application =x
Eeks, the whole MAE have already started applying for jobs.... But NOT me.. This is bad... I need to finish up my generic Resume/CV and then start to actively send in job applications. I don't want to be jobless when all my peers start to enter the working world!!.. Gosh. Some say the first job should be based on what you LIKE to do... Others say it should depend on the REPUTATION of the company (to boost your resume or something).... Well to me, its a combination of both. But I'm really not greedy... =/ R-e-a-l-l-y !!
Found this pic in my HP... Lol. If only I could have such luck !

"Now tell me, how do you actually spell happyness ?"
Ain't weekends supposed to be the best part of the week? Well apparently in Ben Ng's life, that is soooo not the case. Thanks to Mindef (coupled with my lack of fitness), my Saturday evenings for the next 28 days are now officially booked for RT. Gawsh. What a sad, sad life I have. Grr.. And what about Sundays? Well, I was SUPPOSED to study on Sunday.. or at least work on the stupid MATLAB thing.. but..... it appears that I'm not doing any of the two =/...
Job Application =x
Eeks, the whole MAE have already started applying for jobs.... But NOT me.. This is bad... I need to finish up my generic Resume/CV and then start to actively send in job applications. I don't want to be jobless when all my peers start to enter the working world!!.. Gosh. Some say the first job should be based on what you LIKE to do... Others say it should depend on the REPUTATION of the company (to boost your resume or something).... Well to me, its a combination of both. But I'm really not greedy... =/ R-e-a-l-l-y !!
Found this pic in my HP... Lol. If only I could have such luck !
"Now tell me, how do you actually spell happyness ?"