.Morning Golf !.
Yikes. I suck at my WOOD! (Wood is the golf club with the biggest club head. Don't really know how to describe further =x) ... Anw I was like horrible la. LOL. While I'm kinda satisfied with my Pitcher and Iron swings, I can't quite say the same for my wood. My best swing with my wood was probably like barely past the 100m flag. Even my 5-Iron swing is further lar... Eeeks!

I find it irritating having to place the stupid ball on that lame rubber tee using just the club and my feet.
.Afternoon Bowling =.=.

Haha. 164! Rather near my personal best I think. Well, more importantly, I beat WILSON this time. LOL ...... !!
.Solo-ing at Tampines 1 ... =/.
My hair is like dark brown (under sunlight) again! Yup suddenly had the urge to redye.. Maybe I got realllll tired of the brownish highlights... Too yellowish for my liking. Well, I guess now it looks more natural le. Hope I'l stick with this colour for 6 months at least. =//
Before my haircut at Tampines1, I had extra time and soooo I decided to window shop. I've always wanted to buy a OFF-THE-SHELF casual blazer.... Don't ask me why. I just find it nice! It doesnt come cheap though, the TWO blazers from Topman that caught my eye, were like $200+ each. o.o Luckily I had the 300 bucks "commision" dad gave me for linking up Natalie with Jack... That made me more willing to pay for this blazer thing that I could see myself wearing perhaps for the Suzhou trip in December.
Well. After my hair cut, I realised that it didnt look too good on me (after I lost the brown hair).. Hence I dropped the idea. Maybe another time!

OMG faints. I was THIS close to buying this $200 casual blazer thing from Topman today!
Yikes. I suck at my WOOD! (Wood is the golf club with the biggest club head. Don't really know how to describe further =x) ... Anw I was like horrible la. LOL. While I'm kinda satisfied with my Pitcher and Iron swings, I can't quite say the same for my wood. My best swing with my wood was probably like barely past the 100m flag. Even my 5-Iron swing is further lar... Eeeks!

I find it irritating having to place the stupid ball on that lame rubber tee using just the club and my feet.
.Afternoon Bowling =.=.

Haha. 164! Rather near my personal best I think. Well, more importantly, I beat WILSON this time. LOL ...... !!
.Solo-ing at Tampines 1 ... =/.
My hair is like dark brown (under sunlight) again! Yup suddenly had the urge to redye.. Maybe I got realllll tired of the brownish highlights... Too yellowish for my liking. Well, I guess now it looks more natural le. Hope I'l stick with this colour for 6 months at least. =//
Before my haircut at Tampines1, I had extra time and soooo I decided to window shop. I've always wanted to buy a OFF-THE-SHELF casual blazer.... Don't ask me why. I just find it nice! It doesnt come cheap though, the TWO blazers from Topman that caught my eye, were like $200+ each. o.o Luckily I had the 300 bucks "commision" dad gave me for linking up Natalie with Jack... That made me more willing to pay for this blazer thing that I could see myself wearing perhaps for the Suzhou trip in December.
Well. After my hair cut, I realised that it didnt look too good on me (after I lost the brown hair).. Hence I dropped the idea. Maybe another time!

OMG faints. I was THIS close to buying this $200 casual blazer thing from Topman today!