Woke up at 8am for tennis training, only to find out that it had to be canceled because of the rain. Dang!.. What am I going to do now? I feel cheated..
HAD TO wake up from all my potential sweet dreams just to stare at these infinite rain drops falling from the sky now..
Oh well anyway, as usual, I got bored, stared blankly at the sea for a couple of minutes (yes i have some kind of sea view from here), took a few deep breathes and almost sub-conciously switched on my com for some entertainment. And .. ta-dah, here I am again.. hahas.
Now tell me... WHAT IS LOVE ?? ....

(From Wikipedia)
"Love represents a range of human emotions and experiences related to the senses of affection and sexual attraction. (...) This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states."
Ok .. So that is basically a useless chunk of info. I just wanted to find out if anyone had a meaning for love. Cos srsly, after TWENTY-ONE years of my life, I'm still unsure of what exactly is this powerful word all about. Nat once tried to explain to me that love exist almost everywhere, in close FRIENDS, FAMILY, etc.. But I was like, "no, that is different wad.." ..
I refined my search for 'true love' and I got no results instead.. =/ oh well..
More self thoughts:
Anyway life is more than just a failed R/S. At first it may be hard to drill this in my head. But almost everyone has to go thru it. I wanted to treat you as a fren and be there for you whenever I'm needed, but fck it. I don't deserve all this anymore. I'm gonna free myself once again. This time, probably for good. Don't ever tell me I'm your last card in your deck of life, don't ever tell me its not the time, don't ever tell me lies anymore. I'm sick and tired of all of it already. I want my 3.5 CGPA and that is going to be my focus in life now.
"Hmmm, Na Si Wa Wu Ji Ba Ban.... Ji Ba Ban..(LOLs....)"
HAD TO wake up from all my potential sweet dreams just to stare at these infinite rain drops falling from the sky now..
Oh well anyway, as usual, I got bored, stared blankly at the sea for a couple of minutes (yes i have some kind of sea view from here), took a few deep breathes and almost sub-conciously switched on my com for some entertainment. And .. ta-dah, here I am again.. hahas.
Now tell me... WHAT IS LOVE ?? ....

(From Wikipedia)
"Love represents a range of human emotions and experiences related to the senses of affection and sexual attraction. (...) This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states."
Ok .. So that is basically a useless chunk of info. I just wanted to find out if anyone had a meaning for love. Cos srsly, after TWENTY-ONE years of my life, I'm still unsure of what exactly is this powerful word all about. Nat once tried to explain to me that love exist almost everywhere, in close FRIENDS, FAMILY, etc.. But I was like, "no, that is different wad.." ..
I refined my search for 'true love' and I got no results instead.. =/ oh well..
More self thoughts:
Anyway life is more than just a failed R/S. At first it may be hard to drill this in my head. But almost everyone has to go thru it. I wanted to treat you as a fren and be there for you whenever I'm needed, but fck it. I don't deserve all this anymore. I'm gonna free myself once again. This time, probably for good. Don't ever tell me I'm your last card in your deck of life, don't ever tell me its not the time, don't ever tell me lies anymore. I'm sick and tired of all of it already. I want my 3.5 CGPA and that is going to be my focus in life now.
"Hmmm, Na Si Wa Wu Ji Ba Ban.... Ji Ba Ban..(LOLs....)"