Kay... so I was bumped from behind just now...
Yea, I offered to take the wheel to parkway just now. (with my dad) Everything was pretty normal until we came in the car park .. Well I knew the road was narrower than usual, so I took special caution not to bang into any other cars. At the particular bend, the car in front decided to signal to park. It was slowly reversing and so I decided to wait for her to park before I proceed with my turn.
Then one of the most unexpected thing happened.
I felt a significant BUMP from behind! At that point of time, part of my mind was thinking : "Bumper cars?" ... Damn was I shaken la. Though its not exactly my fault, I have never experience something like that before.
In fact, I'm still shaken by the incident. Can't believe what happened.
My dad was like : " o.O "
And I was like : " O.O .. What THE? !@$#%^& " (lols.)
I stopped the car somewhere further in front and the guy came out of his car and walked towards us. He was like " Sorry sorry I was dreaming. I don't deny its my fault... " .. (as he took out his name card to offer the servicing for us)
Thank god my dad was there, else I would probably be too stunned to do anything.. Anyway at the end of it my dad felt good about it, cos he had originally wanted to repaint the car, so the free replacement of the bumper component saved him a couple of hundred bucks. As for me, I still couldn't believe that kind of sensation I felt. Seriously, almost the same feeling as getting banged while in a bumper car.. =X

Gosh I'm feeling like Eric Cartman right now. If you don't know who is Cartman, you don't know Southpark. And if you don't know Southpark, we are, again from a different generation.. =( lols..