Haha .. finally got this song, 'Ji Ba Ban' from Chuan. (Thanks bro!) Had initially wanted to get from YS cos i know she has this song in her phone, but oh well, I got it anyway. Damn funny song.. The lyrics is hilarious.. Everyone (hokkien or not), shd listen to it!!
Na Si Wa Wu Ji Ba Ban... !!
(if i had a hundred million dollars...)

Bought this Tee from Bugis Village just now. I know I'm rather anti-FAKE stuffs. But whenever I go bugis village, I always get tempted to buy some cheap fakies. I even got myself a cheap $5 watch. Gosh.. =X Well, I guess, I really need that hundred million dollars..

I know this is random.. But just look at his face.. o.O I was about to pick up the newpaper from the sofa (for the sports section) until I saw his face.. And i went " eeks ! =/ " lol.. but oh well.. He has a really pretty wife and is probably much closer to having Ji Ba Ban than me loh!
Na Si Wa Wu Ji Ba Ban... !!
(if i had a hundred million dollars...)

Bought this Tee from Bugis Village just now. I know I'm rather anti-FAKE stuffs. But whenever I go bugis village, I always get tempted to buy some cheap fakies. I even got myself a cheap $5 watch. Gosh.. =X Well, I guess, I really need that hundred million dollars..

I know this is random.. But just look at his face.. o.O I was about to pick up the newpaper from the sofa (for the sports section) until I saw his face.. And i went " eeks ! =/ " lol.. but oh well.. He has a really pretty wife and is probably much closer to having Ji Ba Ban than me loh!