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Yayee! Every dog will its day!....

Blogging often = I'm rotting more often?
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Yea, here I am blogging again. Perhaps an indication of how bored I am feeling these days.. =/

Most of my peers are doing their Industrial Attachments.. Only a handful of them are like me, doing IA in Sem2. Well, sometimes I hate myself for making this decision to change IA date.. But whenever I think about the public hols I'm getting during my IA period, I feel somewhat better!.. *rofl*

Went Gym with Ms Deon and her friend Kee Kee yesterday. I think my fitness is slowly creeping back. Cos now I can run/jog the 2.4km rather comfortably... Its a good feeling, cos the last time I took IPPT, I was last of the batch, and all the other runners had to applaud my dramatic finish =X... lols. I swear I'm getting at least a hundred bucks for my next try....

I woke up at 245pm today!...
I can't carry on like this anymore.. Feel like a freakin lazy / jobless loser...
I need to find something to do,
I need to feel important in this world.
I need a reason to wake up every morning..
Damn I shd have taken Special Sem!!

Instead of whining and not doing anything, I decided to make an updated list of what-to-dos...
(1) Able to drive around alone before the end of hols
(2) Pack up and clear hostel room before 15th July!
(3) Repair my bloody laptop ASAP....
(4) Make sure I have something to do everyday..
(5) Start to play pool at a higher level.. I don't want to be labelled a casual player after so many years... =/

I must live today as if it is the last of my life. Only then will I start to do things I want to but do not DARE to.. Don't wanna waste precious time anymore!!