Was my birthday yesterday!.. Nice cake from Gelare (or however you spell it..) Nice nice ice cream cake.. Jamaican chocolate flavour i think..

In another 5 hours time, I'l probably be busy watching some old movies or playing mario on Kris Flyers! .. Kinda excited cos I've never actually been to Europe before.. =/ Mum said the flight is 6 hours but I highly doubt it cos base on my distance-time judgement, it should be at least 10 .. Er.. Anyway, I dont really care .. I'm so tired right now.. I'l probably spend a good 3-4 hours on the plane sleeping.. Zzzzz
Thanks bro and sis for the crumpler sling bag.. thanks mum/dad for my new handphone! (the most cool-looking Nokia phone around now) .. and thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes thru message, msn and even friendster! Really appreciate all of it. okok, time to do my last min packing. lol.. I'm always last min.. Can't stand myself at times.. What to do.. Argh.. Got to go now... Bye!