Interesting Results! ..

Ok. I know it sounds lame, but I found this CHARACTER-GENERATOR excel thingy to be 99% accurate!.. Its simple!.. Just key in your date of birth, and it somehow generates a list of characteristics about you!. Hahs. Tested out on a sample size of about... erm... 3? And so far all found it miraculously accurate. LOL. Influential in organization.. *cough* ... NOT pretending *cough* ... (ASK FROM ME VIA MSN IF YOU WANT TO TRY OK? DON'T BE SHY)
Aww. Life is suddenly so boring after Gigi left. No more doggy to pounce on me when I return home. No more companion to play with at home (Except maybe for the Xbox). Sighs... Got to start finding interesting things to do! I know I will die of boredom if I stay home and rot during the one month break I gave myself before school re-opens!...
At the moment, all I want is to :
2. Play pool AGAIN and AGAIN
3. WATCH, like 10 MOVIES. =x
4. Read up on Artificial Neural Network thingy
5. Start my rigid skipping/gyming sessions
6. Play some tennis/table tennis/etc
7. Continue doing friend's "How well do you know me" quiz.. I can't believe how poorly I did for some of them. =/
Ok. I know it sounds lame, but I found this CHARACTER-GENERATOR excel thingy to be 99% accurate!.. Its simple!.. Just key in your date of birth, and it somehow generates a list of characteristics about you!. Hahs. Tested out on a sample size of about... erm... 3? And so far all found it miraculously accurate. LOL. Influential in organization.. *cough* ... NOT pretending *cough* ... (ASK FROM ME VIA MSN IF YOU WANT TO TRY OK? DON'T BE SHY)
Aww. Life is suddenly so boring after Gigi left. No more doggy to pounce on me when I return home. No more companion to play with at home (Except maybe for the Xbox). Sighs... Got to start finding interesting things to do! I know I will die of boredom if I stay home and rot during the one month break I gave myself before school re-opens!...
At the moment, all I want is to :
2. Play pool AGAIN and AGAIN
3. WATCH, like 10 MOVIES. =x
4. Read up on Artificial Neural Network thingy
5. Start my rigid skipping/gyming sessions
6. Play some tennis/table tennis/etc
7. Continue doing friend's "How well do you know me" quiz.. I can't believe how poorly I did for some of them. =/
Oh gosh.. None of those 7 things sound like they are of anything meaningful.. Hmm .. Except only maybe number 4...