"Cute poses with the Autodesk logo at the 10th floor! =//"

(P.s: I really found some of the poses to be VERY hilarious! LOL. I'm laughing as I'm typing this. =x)
Today was the last day of internship for Lukas, Yanting, Juhu, Jongshyang and Wilson. Aww, it was kinda emotional today. Haha. These 6 months (of IA) have been really memorable for me! During this period... I met some fantastic friends at work, went for my first ever blood donation, learnt a programming language, broke up with YS, saved up a substantial sum of $, met up with my GP and... submitted my longest ever report! ALL in just this 6 months!
Haha, even though I know my turn will only eventually come in 3 weeks, it really felt as if today was the end of my internship as well la! Sigh. Going to especially miss (1)Yanting aka XZR.... (2)Ex cube-mate: Lukas and of course, (3)Jong Shyang! (who .. just for the record, was the 2nd most CRAPPI-EST intern... Second only to me of cos.. =x)
We had lunch at some coffee cafe @ BIOPOLIS!....

I think this "nonya curry chicken thing" was pretty good! Too bad I had a super-filling breakfast with JS and QY in the morning..... Hardly had the stomach to finish half the plate of rice...... =/
A few other photos taken in Autodesk:

TD-Interns with Joanne ! Qy and I were just commenting on how photogenic Joanne looked. =/

TD+SW interns together! Haha. Let's bury the hatchet between the two departments ok. LOL.

Finally, TD/SW interns with Hui-May and Murtaza! Like a big family.... Hahs, no prize for guessing who is the dad here. =xx
Finally caught NATM2 yesterday. Thanks to GP for watching with me.. IMO, the movie totally deserved a 7.5/10... Ben Stiller and gang did a great job.. Enough to make me laugh, like, uncountable times!... Haha. Love the singing-cupids and bobblehead-Einsteins! The height jokes on "Napoleon" almost made me laugh out of my seat... Overall, I kinda loved the movie.

I don't understand why so many prefer the prequel of this movie. I found NATM2 to be somewhat better la! =/
"Everything - good or bad, will come to an end. This is life, so just enjoy it !" -b.Eng

(P.s: I really found some of the poses to be VERY hilarious! LOL. I'm laughing as I'm typing this. =x)
Today was the last day of internship for Lukas, Yanting, Juhu, Jongshyang and Wilson. Aww, it was kinda emotional today. Haha. These 6 months (of IA) have been really memorable for me! During this period... I met some fantastic friends at work, went for my first ever blood donation, learnt a programming language, broke up with YS, saved up a substantial sum of $, met up with my GP and... submitted my longest ever report! ALL in just this 6 months!
Haha, even though I know my turn will only eventually come in 3 weeks, it really felt as if today was the end of my internship as well la! Sigh. Going to especially miss (1)Yanting aka XZR.... (2)Ex cube-mate: Lukas and of course, (3)Jong Shyang! (who .. just for the record, was the 2nd most CRAPPI-EST intern... Second only to me of cos.. =x)
We had lunch at some coffee cafe @ BIOPOLIS!....

I think this "nonya curry chicken thing" was pretty good! Too bad I had a super-filling breakfast with JS and QY in the morning..... Hardly had the stomach to finish half the plate of rice...... =/
A few other photos taken in Autodesk:

TD-Interns with Joanne ! Qy and I were just commenting on how photogenic Joanne looked. =/

TD+SW interns together! Haha. Let's bury the hatchet between the two departments ok. LOL.

Finally, TD/SW interns with Hui-May and Murtaza! Like a big family.... Hahs, no prize for guessing who is the dad here. =xx
Finally caught NATM2 yesterday. Thanks to GP for watching with me.. IMO, the movie totally deserved a 7.5/10... Ben Stiller and gang did a great job.. Enough to make me laugh, like, uncountable times!... Haha. Love the singing-cupids and bobblehead-Einsteins! The height jokes on "Napoleon" almost made me laugh out of my seat... Overall, I kinda loved the movie.

I don't understand why so many prefer the prequel of this movie. I found NATM2 to be somewhat better la! =/
"Everything - good or bad, will come to an end. This is life, so just enjoy it !" -b.Eng