Hey again!!.. So, I have been blogging like once-a-week? At least its not once a year ma.. Not that bad. lols.. Anyway, the MAIN reason why I'm blogging less often these days is because of my recent busy-ness (is that how the word business came about?).
I don't dare to say that I'm doing alot for Autodesk these days.. But at least I believe I'm contributing SOMETHING. Whether or not it is significant, I'm not so sure. But that is not something I can control anyway. D=
Latest news ..!(from dad)
I just finished my late shower as usual, and Dad suddenly told me:
"Hey I bought a car just now.. E class.."
I was like: "Huh? So sudden?"
(Then he went on and on to show me all the new features from the brochure, etc etc..)
Wow.. I mean just wow. He was talking about 'downgrading' to a Toyota Camry just weeks ago so that he could buy a side car for Mum and us.. Then all of a sudden he buys a new Mercedes E Class without even test driving. Hahas, i'm not really complaining cos he picked a cool colour this time. I'm just scared... Cos there are times when I don't even dare to drive the current C Class.. Can't imagine how it is like driving a E Class.. =X Eeks!

I was at Suntec on the last day of the IT fair. Crazy i tell you. Suntec citymall was even more packed then NDP 06, 07 and probably even 08 combined! Cliche as it sounds, a picture tells a thousand words:

^Now that is stupid unnecessary mayhem. Crowd control should have been done better. =/ Whatever the case, I got myself my very first external HDD! Yes. I have been living on my endangered 2/4GB thumb drives all these while.. That is why I'm so excited to see so many gigabytes sitting in front of me.. Lols.


Had this waffle thing at Waffles Cottage Place located somewhere between the link towards the arcade/cinema in Suntec Citymall. I enjoyed it... Not the best I have tried, but still deserving of a 6.5/10..
"I'm NOT feeling lonely anymore... My mind is saturated with worries about my FYP and how I might struggle to cope with my year 4 modules. Please bless me with a good FYP prof. Please! "
I don't dare to say that I'm doing alot for Autodesk these days.. But at least I believe I'm contributing SOMETHING. Whether or not it is significant, I'm not so sure. But that is not something I can control anyway. D=
Latest news ..!(from dad)
I just finished my late shower as usual, and Dad suddenly told me:
"Hey I bought a car just now.. E class.."
I was like: "Huh? So sudden?"
(Then he went on and on to show me all the new features from the brochure, etc etc..)
Wow.. I mean just wow. He was talking about 'downgrading' to a Toyota Camry just weeks ago so that he could buy a side car for Mum and us.. Then all of a sudden he buys a new Mercedes E Class without even test driving. Hahas, i'm not really complaining cos he picked a cool colour this time. I'm just scared... Cos there are times when I don't even dare to drive the current C Class.. Can't imagine how it is like driving a E Class.. =X Eeks!

I was at Suntec on the last day of the IT fair. Crazy i tell you. Suntec citymall was even more packed then NDP 06, 07 and probably even 08 combined! Cliche as it sounds, a picture tells a thousand words:

^Now that is stupid unnecessary mayhem. Crowd control should have been done better. =/ Whatever the case, I got myself my very first external HDD! Yes. I have been living on my endangered 2/4GB thumb drives all these while.. That is why I'm so excited to see so many gigabytes sitting in front of me.. Lols.


Had this waffle thing at Waffles Cottage Place located somewhere between the link towards the arcade/cinema in Suntec Citymall. I enjoyed it... Not the best I have tried, but still deserving of a 6.5/10..
"I'm NOT feeling lonely anymore... My mind is saturated with worries about my FYP and how I might struggle to cope with my year 4 modules. Please bless me with a good FYP prof. Please! "