Was introduced to "Citadels" by my frens. Quite fun leh!
ok. So I'm here at my desk this morning, with no work to do. Which is not a bad thing afterall!.. Haha, I can spend the whole freaking morning on MSN / E-Mails / BLOGSPOT! hahaha..
My weekends:
Spend Saturday at E-hub again .... Was quite a fulfilling day packed with K-Lunch, bowlings, and even E-hubs very own "Mind's/Settler's" - like NEBO cafe.. I'm actually starting to enjoy boardgaming !
Sunday was family day again. As usual, we made our way to Toa Payoh sports hall to play table tennis. I think it was quite fun... Even though I'm still a league lower than my dad... I feel that I'm improving quite alot.. So i'm happy.. =/
" So many tragedies happening in NTU.. And, to all my future potential employers: Contrary to popular belief, NTU students are mostly SANE and will almost definately make good workers. =/"

This was at the meeting room last Friday.. Murtaza (our site lead) organised a mini celebration for all the WWL employees, including interns! I still kinda regret not smashing the birthday cake at Lukas's face. -.-