Hey hey... So its CNY again. Hasn't really been a perfect year of the ox. But i do know that certain things are beyond my control. I'm not gonna whine. not gonna shed a tear. Just gotta live a better life from now on. =/
Collected $216 ang pow $ this year... To some its an astronomical amount, to others its only one tenth of their total ang pow $! So i shall not comment further.
Made some great friends from Work recently. Working keeps my mind off unhappy things.
Happier or no ?
So now, here is Part VXXIIIIIIIIII of 'Theme Randomness' :

Gardenia-wrapped present for Michelle on X'mas!

My relative's puppy on CNY... So jumpy so adorable so Awwwww...

Nintendo Wii in office? Shhh... Don't tell boss i was here.

Company event (at this ulu bar restaurant) .. I won 10th prize in the lucky draw! Not gonna reveal what I won here.. =/

My sis's back view ... Some family fun at this Dart Game @ Tampines Safra...!
Collected $216 ang pow $ this year... To some its an astronomical amount, to others its only one tenth of their total ang pow $! So i shall not comment further.
Made some great friends from Work recently. Working keeps my mind off unhappy things.
Happier or no ?
So now, here is Part VXXIIIIIIIIII of 'Theme Randomness' :

Gardenia-wrapped present for Michelle on X'mas!

My relative's puppy on CNY... So jumpy so adorable so Awwwww...

Nintendo Wii in office? Shhh... Don't tell boss i was here.

Company event (at this ulu bar restaurant) .. I won 10th prize in the lucky draw! Not gonna reveal what I won here.. =/

My sis's back view ... Some family fun at this Dart Game @ Tampines Safra...!