First day of the new semester..
I'm frustrated. Sigh.. So many things bothering me. Its funny how I'm starting to miss my NSF days.. In those two years, all I had to worry was not to get myself in the detention barracks or aka DB. Now, I have to worry about so many things la. People around me are getting GPA of 4+ .. Even those with 3.8 are saying things like 'my gpa sucks' or 'i screwed up the sem' , etc. Pls lah.. Give me the 3.8 and I'l gladfully take it.. =/ Well, i guess that is human nature.. Greed is really what differs human from erm.. this innocent little Snowy. (my sis's hamster)-

btw, i don't mean to offend anybody here. Cos personally, if i ever had a gpa of 4.8, i would probably say 'damn why didnt I get 4.999 instead?' ..
I knew something like this would happen.
Just got this mass email from the company representing the not-to-be-named university. As expected they hit back with a paragraph specifically aimed at me and WQ. The email started off with a simple greetings and well wishes blah blah. Then it got to one part when it started to mention about 2 people who 'cheated' and put in 'fake names'. In exact words, the email described the 2 people as 'dishonest' and 'lack of integrity'. Well, at initial glance it got me really upset cos these are words that nobody likes to be linked with. But before I decided to reply the mail, I decided to hold back and think rationally. I know I did do my job and have already did my best to get the 4 names down. Why then, should I even bother to get angry over your groundless accusation through a pathetic and cowardish means. I mean, call me and question me so that I can explain to you la. I can give you the answer that you need. Its not like your lousy choice of words is going to affect me in any way.
Well on a brighter side, its 2008!.. Start of a new year. 2007 was pretty mundane. Mm, in 2007 I finally passed my driving. However I also did rather badly academically in the 2 sems, made v few new friends, and even had my heart broken somewhere in June. Whatever it is, I always felt that things will only get better. Bad things won't last. The period of time before daybreak is usually the darkest. Soon I'll be able to get out of this manic depression shit. lol.

My new fav toy. Yea, this was the first time I ever solved it. It isn't that difficult actually. Just need to know the 4 or 5 algorithms. The rest is just simple logic.

This was the fireworks I saw from the MS stairway on new year's eve. No, the trees are not on fire. And yes, I know its not a very nice pic too. hahas

My first time actually spending the night over at the beach. Well obviously this was east coast. Now I know ECP is a bad place to wait for sunrise..
Damn my nose and throat is killing me. Think I'm running a slight fever too. What the hell is happening to me ?! Sigh..