Isn't Snowy cute?... Awwwwwwwww...
The whole concept of E-learning week is plain dumb. Firstly, recorded lectures are there the whole sem round.. So what's the point of having a week dedicated to something that have been there all along? Secondly, why is it that I still have to come to school for the dumb 3 hr LAB during E-learning week? So much for virtual/cyperspace - learning !... Last but not least.. I just attended the most dumb online tutorial one hour ago. There were so many restrictions, like .. You got to be at the site fifteen minutes before your stipulated tutorial.. You got to ask questions on the discussion board... And the whole site will be closed one hour later.. I got so annoyed (not being able to understand anything), that I just decided to 'printscreen' and then paste the whole slide show on PAINT and then print them out. I mean.. I just want the damn solutions!.. =// lols...
Question asked during my interview: You have 12 balls. All of them are identical except one, which is either heavier or lighter than the rest. You have a simple two-armed scale, and are permitted three weighings. Can you identify the odd ball, and determine whether it is heavier or lighter?