Looks-So-Fattening-But-Its-Actually-Not (version1)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I was so bored and hungry on this saturday afternoon that I decided to try and cook something up!.. Just to brighten up my mood. I named it the "Looks-So-Fattening-But-Its-Actually-Not (version1)". Any takers?.. I know its not fattening cos i used little butter to cook the meat.. lols. But if you are those calories-counting kind of person, then better to just stay clear from it.. hahs. I just finished eating it and decided to give myself a generous 4/5 for the good work I did. Lol... One mark deducted for lousy presentation.. *Its been so long since I last used the kitchen..* -Gotta go and clear up all the mess now. Sigh..